If you had 100 articles what would you do with them?
I’m not talking about PLR junk, but 100 original, fresh articles you can edit, give away, or sell, to get traffic to your site, make money, or both.
Now, I’d like to ignite your “creative” thinking…
Answer this question, and you could win a free entry into my $200 blog commenting training program (here’s more info)
If you had 100 articles what would you do with them?
I’ll select not one, not two, but three winners. I’m looking for unconventional, practical ideas — of how you’d be using these 100 articles… think… then share your answers here on the blog in the “comments” section.
All the comments are moderated, and will appear once I review them, in the order they’re received.
As a special bonus, all the participants will receive a mini PDF report I’m preparing where I reveal how I’d use the 100 articles myself…
“Unconventional Ways to Attract Traffic and Make Money with Only 100 Articles”
Just make sure you include your real (primary) email into the commenting form, so I know where to email the gift.